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Home> Class-10> English>Q 427

Que : 427. Animals also possess the ability to understand human feeling. Elaborate this statement, keeping in view the role of Jabra in the story January Night.

Animals also pass the ability to understand human feeling. This is the cause the people keep the animals as pet. Cows are the most useful pet, they supply us milk. They feel our feeling the horse, the elephant and the dog are indistinguishable part of human life. In the story January Night, Halku had a pet dog who was called Jabra. It was such an animal who felt much. It was loving and faithful companion of Halku, that was why it followed Halku to his field in the cold night. It began to wag its tail. It was so faithful that when Halku was lying before the embers it ran towards Halku's farm and began to bark on Nilgai. Thus it cared for its master.

Class-10 English Notes -