Bihar Board Notes
Home> Class-10> English>Q 111

Que : 111. You are Karun. Write a speech in about 60-70 words to be delivered on Teachers Day

Honourable Principal, Respected teachers and dear friends! I am karun. Today the topic of my speech is 'Teachers Day'. The light of the world, the beacon in the dark and the hope that gives us strength to survive is our teacher. Today we celebrate 'Teacher's Day’. A day kept aside to honor the gifted souls who work everyday to make sure that the future is bright for all of us. Apart from academics, teachers stand by us at every step to guide, motivate and inspire to become better people. They are the source of knowledge and wisdom. They odd value to our character and make us ideal citizens of the country. On this special occasion. I wish to convey my best wishes and greetings to all the teachers gathered here and to all those who helped me attain success in my academics.

Class-10 English Notes -